The industry of populism
Biro za društvena istraživanja (BIRODI) prethodnih osam godina sprovodi monitoring izveštavanja u centralnim informativnim emisijama koje se emituju na šest televizija u Srbiji. Predmet našeg monitoringa su pet televizija sa nacionalnom pokrivenošću (RTS, Pink, Prva, Happy, B92) i N1 kao kablovska televizija. Sprovedene aktivnosti stvorile su istraživački materijal koji nam omogćavaju da...
BIRODI: Publication “World in media”
BIRODI continue to analyze media reporting of central informative news on television stations with national coverage and cable television N1 focusing on reporting on USA, European Union and Russia. Goal of this monitoring was to provide systematic analysis of the reporting on three major actors of international politics. BIRODI conducted media monitoring...
Media, election and public 2017.
Biro za društvena istraživanja od 2012. u kontinuitetu posmatra medije, prevashodno televizije, tokom predizbornog perioda. Ovaj istraživački rad je nastavljen i na ovogodišnjim izborima za predsednika Srbije. Od 03.03. do 30.03.2017.( dana kada je nastupila zakonom naložena predizborna tišina), BIRODI je pratio sledeće TV stanice: RTS 1, TV B92, TV...

A group of sociologists established the Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) with the intention of putting sociological science in the service of creating and measuring social change.

BIRODI started the project Towns Combating Corruption thus initiating the process of preparation and implementation of Local Anti-Corruption Plans and bodies. BIRODI created the Model Local Anti-Corruption Forum which was successfully tested in the Town of Niš.

In cooperation with Slovak organisation MEMO 98 BIRODI conducted the first internationally comparable media monitoring of media coverage in the pre-election campaign for parliamentary and presidential elections. For the first time in Serbia, media monitoring findings were announced in the course of the election campaign. During the monitoring we coined the term campaign of officials which, in Serbia, became a part of election glossary.
BIRODI launched the website, which publishes the results and analyses of media reporting, on page.

At BIRODI’s proposal, local anti-corruption plans and anti-corruption bodies (LAF) became a part of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, namely, civil society organisations became committed to have in place their integrity mechanisms.
BIRODI launched the website, public policies monitoring instrument.
BIRODI conducted media monitoring in Kosovo during the local elections campaign in 2013.

BIRODI conducted the monitoring of early parliamentary elections
BIRODI drafted Annual Report on the implementation of Local Anti-Corruption Plans in local self-governments where BIRODI initiated their preparation

BIRODI established a social network for integrity development and the portal for research and deliberation

Conducted monitoring of parliamentary elections

BIRODI developed its own audience monitoring, which is based on media monitoring and public opinion research.
Conducted media monitoring during the campaign for presidential elections

BIRODI developed a proposal for the supplement to the Model Anti-Corruption Plans at municipalities concerning the election of local bodies for local anti-corruption bodies, which was accepted by the Anti-Corruption Agency.

BIRODI further improved the concept of audience monitoring based on media monitoring, public opinion polls, and list of important societal events

BIRODI developed its monitoring methodology of electoral integrity based on the concept of „Integrity Nest “.
The results of the media monitoring during the election campaign were cited in the ODIHIR report.
BIRODI founded an on-line research academy.
Upon BIRODI’s complaint, the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance issued the decision instructing the Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media (REM) to publish its monitoring bases in machine-readable format.
BIRODI became a member of the international project Beacon.
Conducted the research of reporting of TV stations with national coverage on their on-line platforms

BIRODI prepared an Analysis of the Draft Conclusions of Inter-Party Dialogue on Improving Electoral Conditions
BIRODI prepared an Analysis of Proposals of Opposition Parties for Improving the Electoral Conditions
BIRODI published a black list of mayors and presidents whose local self-governments did not develop local plans and/or established local anti-corruption bodies