About us

Bureau for social researches is think-thank organisation in sociology, which realised survey, makes analyses and develops sustainability solutions in public, civil and private sectors.


BIRODI advocates for:

  • Social researches are in function of monitoring and evaluation of social development;
  • A society, whose development is created on base the theoretical and empiric founds;
  • A society sustainable democratic, social, economic and jousted development.


The mission of BIRODI:

  • Realisation sociological researches in function of democratisation and participation of relevant stakeholders in developing of social develop;
  • Develop the researches practice and culture in public and civil sectors and developing of researches resource and innovation in Serbia;
  • Systematic, objective and prices evidence of the social development on level of indicators;


 Our activities:

  • Promoting of social researches in creation and evaluation of social development
  • Monitoring and evaluation of social development
  • Creation and improving researches methods and technics
  • Desimination of results of realised researches
  • Developing and advocates of public politics
  • Transfer of researches knowledge in Serbia


BIRODI is financed via:

  • Applications to donors
  • Donations
  • Providing research service

